Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hair Donation


Three braids ready to be donated to make wigs for cancer patients.
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Tracy said...

So neat!!

DebW said...

Very cool!
Mine was too short to donate when I cut it last month.

Susan Long said...

Having been blessed with a free wig when I was 13 due to alopecia, I think this is awesome!!!

Dani said...

Wow, thanks so much for your comment on my blog Sarah! Wonderful to meet an "old family friend." :)

Anonymous said...

MaryKyle just cut off 10 inches to donate the other day. She loves doing that. Miss you guys, hope you are doing great!! Love you

Heather said...

Hi I’m Heather! Please email me when you get a chance! I have a question about your blog. HeatherVonsj(at)gmail(dot)com

John@ wig information said...

Amazing piece of work done..Donating for cancer patients is a great job..

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