Thursday, June 19, 2008

Group #2

Tomorrow our second group will arrive, Lord willing. Jeffery and Brian left early Wednesday morning for San Pedro Sula to buy supplies and pick up the group. They will spend the night half way here at Hotel Canadian, which will be their last bit of civilization before they get to Trujillo, the end of the road. They'll enjoy air conditioning and hot showers. They won't get to experience those again until they return to SPS in ten days. We are almost ready for their arrival and we are really looking forward to them being here. The kids are especially excited! Jonathan said something today about being glad to talk to some civilized people after being surrounded by savages! But seriously, being around people from home really is a big boost for all of us. I know the kids are going to eat up every minute of time they can spend with them. I'll do my best to post something everyday so you can all see how things are going. Hopefully, I'll be able to post pictures too, but lately I've had a hard time getting those to upload. Pray that this time will be a great experience for everyone involved.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sara,

My daughters Julia and Mary are at your place right now! I hope things are going well, that much is being accomplished both spiritually and physically. I know our group was excited to come and be of service to you and the Little Hands, Big Hearts mission.

Becky Rockey
Simi Church of Christ

Anonymous said...

Sara -- Hi! This is Scott. I'm pleased to report that I arrived home safely. My blood pressure is back to normal, and my heart rate is steadily increasing to where it needs to be. Though the doctor doesn't agree with me, it's my opinion that the Chloroquine tablets caused an adverse reaction to my system. I have not taken a tablet since 6/19, and I believe that's why my health is improving. Thanks again for your care and prayers.
Would you please remind Tyler of the following:
1. He needs to report that he has an epi pin to security agents at the airport.
2. Remind him to charge his phone before arriving in Houston.
Please let everyone know that they are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. We pray they have a safe trip home.
To Brian and Sara, I want you to know you have a beautiful family, and I REALLY commend you for the work you're doing there.
In His Service,
Scott Ferguson